Wild fires? Or are they misunderstood?
Here in Southern California the tenth circle of Hell has just recently opened up and starting swallowing cities one neighborhood at a time. Of course, every News Channel and non-news channel is covering this (I think the Food Network is running a special on how to cook outdoors or something). As with any news situation, there's only so much to say. Every channel tries to get their own angle on the story -and they all have some stupid name for it. Right now ABC is calling it "Firestorm" which is pretty misleading because it's not raining fire from the sky. Wouldn't that constitute a firestorm? I mean, that would be a whole hell of a lot cooler if that was the case.
Back to my point. This morning on the aptly named Today show (because it's happening TODAY), they had, of all people, Al Roker here in San Bernardino County covering the fires. I don't know what their thinking on all of this was. He's a meteorologist. If a meteor caused the fires, then he's your man, but I don't think that's how it happened. Again, that would be way cooler. So, exercising his vast journalistic ability, Al Roker asked an "Eyewitness" to the fire the following question: "So, what's the fire like?" I don't know what kind of answer he was looking for, but he got the answer that I would have given. "It's really really hot." Well, there you have it folks. Investigative journalism at its pinnacle. Al Roker, a previously chubby weatherman with the hard-hitting questions that you want to ask.
Al Roker will also be covering future "Stormwatch" and "Earthquake-storm-watch" happenings here in Southern California. He'll be asking some of your favorite questions like: "So, the rain, is it as wet as it seems?" and "Now, was the whole area shaking around you during the quake?". Al Roker, the reason weathermen stick to weather.
For things and stuff that I should write about (or for the Al Roker fans, not write about) e-mail me here.