Nigga Please!
An 81-year-old Klansman was found guilty of the murder of three black guys 41 years ago and was convicted to 60 years in prison.
See, the thing about this is that he knows he's going to die soon anyway, so the 60 year sentence doesn't mean a damn thing. For knuckleheads (I like to seriously understate the names I call people that do horrible, awful things based on prejudice and racism) like this guy, the judge should do a little bit more creative sentencing.
How about all of his granddaughters are raped by black guys while he watches and, this is done repeatedly until they all have half-black children. Now, some of you may say that this is unfair to the granddaughters because they didn't do anything, but they love rape.
Also, while they're being raped, the convicted killer, Edgar Ray Killen (he has 'kill' in his NAME! How did it take 41 years to catch this guy?), is also raped by a tag team of Ru Paul and Lamar from Revenge of the Nerds--all while listening to rap music and eating collared greens.
I should be a judge. If I didn't have the 32 convictions for kiddie porn, 3 for harboring a terrorist, 9 for sodomy of an animal, 15 for sodomy of an inanimate object, 1 for operating a motor vehicle with only a self-issued license (see picture), 115 counts of "making people uncomfortable with his genitals" (this is an umbrella charge wherein numerous, somewhat similar convictions lie), and various other charges, I would probably make a great judge.
Interesting thought of the day:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Unless you're dead
Then I'm probably having sex with your corpse
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